Dutch Silver Museum
Can I visit the museum with my Museumjaarkaart (Dutch Museum card)?
- Yes, you can visit the museum for free with your Museumjaarkaart.
- You can also buy your Museumjaarkaart at our front desk.
Do you accept VVV gift cards?
- Yes, you can pay with your VVV gift card. You can also buy a VVV gift card in the museum shop.
Can I follow a guided tour during my visit?
- We offer free tours every last Sunday of the month. You are welcome to join them if you like. These tours are for individual visitors only. Groups can request a special arrangment. Take a look on our website for more information.
- The tours are booked for a specific time slot. Up to 20 visitors can follow the tour. You will be guided by one of our own museum tour guides.
Costs per tour: €50,- per hour per tour (max 20 persons). (Price excludes regular entrance fee)
To reserve or request more information:
The tours are always booked for a specific time slot (except for the free tours every last Sunday of the month).
You can book your tour by calling +031 182 385 612 or via reservering@zilvermuseum.nl. We would appreciate if you could let us know about your reservation at least two weeks before the date of your tour. We always confirm your application for a tour by mail. We would like to ask you to confirm you application by sending us the signed copy of the confirmation. Any changes in the number of visitors for the tour can be made up to one week before the date of your booked tour. Would you like to visit the museum with a group with more than 20 people? That is also possible of course. Please contact us directly to discuss the possibilities.
Can I visit the museum with a group of people?
- Yes, that is possible. We recommend to reserve ahead if your group consists of more than 15 people.
Is the Dutch Silver Museum accesible for wheelchairs?
- Yes, our museum is accesible to wheelchairs. Visitors can also borrow a wheelchair if necessary at the front desk.
Is the Dutch Silver Museum suitable and fun for children?
- Yes. Children can visit the silver smiths in the Silver Forge and ask them all of their burning questions. We have fun scavenger hunts throughout the museum. Crack the secret code, solve the puzzles and unravel the secret of the smith. And of course, children can experience what it is like to work with silver in the Silver Workplace. Once you have finished a day of activities, you may call yourself Junior silver smith!
Can I reserve the Dutch Silver Museum for special occasions?
- That is possible. You can ask for more information by calling us: +031 182 385 612 or via mail: reservering@zilvermuseum.nl.
Can I make a donation to the Dutch Silver Museum?
- The museum is officially an ANBI-institute. You can subtract your donation or gift from your taxable income. Would you like to gift a silver object? Please contact us so we can see whether it would fit in our collection. More information: call +031 182 385 612. Or visit the page on our website dedicated to donating (Dutch): Schenken, nalaten, legaat of doneren.
Can I bring my own food to the Dutch Silver Museum?
- No, we are afraid that is not possible. However, you can get something to eat or drink from our restaurant, the Silver Lounge. We offer a wide variaty of food and drinks.
Are pets allowed inside the museum?
- No, we do not allow pets inside the museum. We make an exception for service dogs.
Can I host my child's party in the museum?
- Visiting the museum as part of your own party or celebration is only allowed on strict regulations. You can not bring your own food and drinks. Do you plan on visiting with a large group? We would appreciate if you let us know beforehand. Would you like to be accompanied by a guide? Please let us know beforehand so we can arrange a guide. Would you like some more information? Call us: +031 182 385 612.
Can you tell me more about my silver cutlery, broche, etc? What is it worth and where does it come from?
- Every month, a taxator comes to the museum to answer these kinds of questions. Please check our agenda to see when the next opportunity to taxate your silver is. You can reserve beforehand. We can not always estimate how much something is worth during these consultation hours. However, we can redirect you to auction houses that can tell you more about your silver.
Can you explain the symbols in my jewelry and silver objects?
- Every month, a taxator comes to the museum to answer these kinds of questions. Please check our agenda to see when the next opportunity to taxate your silver is. You can reserve beforehand. We can not always estimate how much something is worth during these consultation hours. However, we can redirect you to auction houses that can tell you more about your silver. If you have photos of your silver object, do not hesitate to send them to us via mail. info@zilvermuseum.nl
Can I park the bus or touring car nearby?
- You can park larger vehicles behind the museum, the Doelenplein. Within the city of Schoonhoven you can park within walking distance of the shops. We advise you to park your vehicle on one of the two parking lots just outside the city centre, P1 and P2. From there, you are within 10 minutes of walking from the museum.
If you prefer to park in the city centre, please be aware of the parking restrictions. Parking is free, but the use of a parking disk is necessary. Within the blue zone, you are only allowed to park for one hour.
I found a mistake on your website. What should I do?
- If you ever come across something weird or wrong on our website, please let us know. We are happy to improve our website by keeping our information up to date. info@zilvermuseum.nl