Discover the world of silver
Discover the world of silver
Discover the world of Dutch silver in the Dutch Silver Museum in Schoonhoven, the silver city. The Dutch Silver Museum has been managing a unique collection of silver utensils for more than eighty years. With objects from the 1600s and the present. The collection is presented in different themes, like ‘this is me’ and ‘eternal fame’. Aside from the objects, we offer visitors the posibility to learn more about smithing as a trade. As a visitor, you can watch the silver smith at work in the Silver Forge or create something yourself in the Silver Workplace.
Apart from the fixed collection, there is a new and surprising exhibition every nine months.Discover the secret of the smith in the current exhibition The Secret of the Smith You can also discover some more modern silver works from modern day smiths every now and then. You can admire the beautiful objects Maja Houtman and Karin Kortenhorst created until October 2nd.
We also work together with the Dutch College for Silversmithing, located in Schoonhoven. Every year, we present the final works of the fourth-year-students.